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The Covert Comic

Weekly Intelligence Briefing



(Note: Cleared readers only, please.)

Daniel Patrick Moynihan said “Secrecy is for losers.” He was right. At my agency we don’t even look at anything below Top Secret/SCI.

● Never lie on a polygraph. The needles get all bent, and then they ask you even more questions.

● You say ‘cosplay convention’ like there’s some other kind.

The Super Bowl has become so commercialized, its religious meaning is in danger of being lost completely.

● [Alien visiting our planet]: Tell me more about this ‘wiggle room.’

Executive Intelligence Summary

It’s not whether you fall, it’s whether you do something entertaining before hitting the ground.




The mightiest of weapons is truth. And everyone knows youre not permitted to bring a weapon into a government building.

● What’s so controversial about NSA domestic surveillance? As if half those domestics aren’t Venezuelan spies!

● I kicked ass on my peace studies final, but the professor’s letting me retake it.

● The zenith of the word ‘zenith’ was when it was a name for TVs.

All my memories seem to happen to music. Memories of mom and dad; of waking up early on Christmas morning; of the little apartment we lived in above the disco.

Executive Intelligence Summary

If thy nostril offend thee, stick thy finger in it.




Dance like everybody’s watching, and it’s North Korea and you’re Kim Jong Un.

● I’m thinking about joining CIA’s employee singles club, and maybe checking out one of their officially-neither-meet-nor-mingle events.

● Please listen carefully while my menu options change.

As a privacy expert, my views on privacy are none of your damn business.

● Polycules? Polykewl!

Executive Intelligence Summary

If it werent for the laugh track, how would I know when to stop laughing?


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