Intelligence Update (The latest intel from the Covert Comic) Life's Little Covert Operations Manual (Download Now!) Universal Declaration of Humint Rights Secrets of 9/11 (Recently unclassified!) Spaiku! (CIA haiku poetry from the Covert Comic! "Spooky" - USA Today) The Intelligence Underground Spookiest of the Spooks Copyright 1998-2025. All rights reserved. |
The Covert Comic
The Agency neither confirms
nor denies
While booking its models
On the catwalk of spies
That the catwalk of intel
is a runway of lies
And everyone poses
On the catwalk of spies
Catwalk of whispers,
catwalk of sighs
Catwalk of secrets
Catwalk of spies
Cover is a microskirt
flaunting your thighs
With sheer blouse
On the catwalk of spies
And truth’s a pair of
pumps, too small by one size
Make sure you don't stumble
On the catwalk of spies
Covert action is shadow
that brings out your eyes
And black ops make you
On the catwalk of spies
Spy dust is blush the
makeup artist applies
And everyone’s airbrushed
On the catwalk of spies
Agents are items you
You wear each one proudly
On the catwalk of spies
But when the big designer
your portfolio buys
And you make that cold read
On the catwalk of spies
In that moment your dress
falls, and you realize
Strutting forth naked
On the catwalk of spies
That the passage through
which unto light we all rise
That runway of spirit
Is a catwalk of spies
Catwalk of whispers,
catwalk of sighs
Catwalk of eternity
Catwalk of spies
Let the facts lie for themselves.
1. Officially granted access to classified
2. Sold at a discount.
3. Removed as unwanted refuse.
4. All of the above, more or less in that
The real redaction is the
first three assets a junior CIA ops officer gets killed should be
considered part of his or her on-the-job training.
Any assets killed after that should count
toward promotion.
I used to think bad things only happened to other people.
Then bad things happened to me.
So now I know bad things only
happen to other people.
The blackest site of all is
the cranial cavity.
When I was a kid, my father worked 16 hours a day to put food on the
Eventually my mother convinced him to buy lighter food.
The world is your walk-in.
Every intelligence briefing
is a catwalk of spies.
Secret 24913060.
The exception grooves the rule.
I'm damned if I do, but
only darned if I don't.
The true Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility is your soul.
At CIA our job isn’t to be part of the first line of defense against an
enemy, it’s to be part of that enemy’s first line of attack.
Secret 9.6.218.
The name of any animal sounds scarier if you put the word 'grizzly' in
front of it.
'Intelligence Sources &
Methods Involved?' I didn't even know they were dating!
Is it that a lot of stuff looks like the Virgin Mary, or that the Virgin
Mary looks like a lot of stuff?
A CIA ops officer never uses an asset as a 'discard' to protect more
valuable assets. A country
or two maybe, but never an asset.
v. [Portmanteau of di- (twofold, double) + progress (to develop toward a
more advanced state)]
To be twice as informative and
You can tell a lot about a person by what they think you can tell a lot
about a person by.
Secret 31150.
Either it's
not worth worrying about, or it's worth not worrying about.
You are what you spot, assess, develop, recruit and
Before you criticize a baby, crawl a mile in its diaper.
Attended a threat management course at State Department.
What a waste of time.
They spent the whole day talking about
For years I thought the saying was 'Keep your rear to the ground.'
And truth be told, it's always worked pretty well for me.
The more powerful the drug, the worse the drug violence … and yet, the
better the drug violence.
Whoever said "The hand that
holds a book cannot hold a gun" never worked for CIA Tech Ops.
People who don't need
people are the second luckiest people in the world.
Application for CIA Employment, Question 1.19
Fill in the blank with the
word or phrase that best completes the following sentence, using the
choices provided below.
You must __ the change you
wish to see in the world.
a. Be
b. Flee
c. Ski
d. Brie
e. Pee
Properly executed, the brush pass is a highly
effective means of covert communication.
Improperly executed, it's even better.
A good hamburger looks like
someone eating a good hamburger.
It isn't drug abuse if you don't slap the drugs
around or force them to have sex with you.
A dog only urinates on that
which stands firm.
I don't suffer fools
gladly, I suffer them orgasmically.
Secret 76913082.
Probability that Van Morrison chose the
song title ‘Brown Eyed Girl’ because he couldn’t remember her name: at
least 66.7%.
If E = mc², this presumably explains all the energetic fat people.
As long as there's an i in 'deity,' I really don't care how you spell
When the people demand the
truth, and those in power respond with silence, why is it assumed that
those in power aren’t being truthful?
If you can't recruit the
asset you love, love the asset you recruit.
You don't drink to drown your sorrows, you drink to
give them mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
To an analyst, 'hard indicator' isn't suggestive, it's the organ itself.
Every Special National Intelligence Estimate is a catwalk of spies.
Big secrets are little compared to little secrets.
In the core values
statement on the CIA web page is the following declaration: "We seek and
speak the truth."
To which, as a CIA officer, I would add that we leak, sneak, tweak,
wreak, freak, pique and gleek the truth too.
"When you say 'national security,' are you referring to the safety and
defense of our country, or to a national tradable asset such as a stock,
bond or futures contract?" she purred. "... Yeah," I whispered, leaning closer and pouring her another drink.
well travelled, but badly arrived.
What is the sound of one
hand clapping … your smooth, firm, perfectly rounded buttocks?
If enough sh*t hits the fan blades, they'll stop rotating.
an opposite universe, the bar walks into you.
– Why We Couldn't Possibly Be
Living in an Opposite Universe, Reason 3.49
To classify information excessively or in an
ostentatious manner.
America can't be the world's policeman?
I was kind of hoping we could arrest and
strip search Denmark.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times;
which means that, by definition, it was also the median of times.
Warning: Letting freedom ring at excessive decibel levels may cause
I may not know the half of it, but I know the √-1 of
Let your conscience be
your slide.
Good contact reporting
isn’t merely a record of the verbal statements made by an asset or
developmental to the ops officer. It also includes information
about the subject’s facial expressions, body language, tone of voice,
what kind of clothes they were wearing, what kind of underclothes they
were wearing (or whether they were wearing any underclothes), what kind
of moves they had in bed, how noisy or quiet they were, and whether they
have any cute friends you can introduce to the chief of station.
hay “I” en “team”,
pero hay dos “yos"
en “yo-yo”.
When you’re a kid playing
sandlot baseball, you don’t know about salary caps and collective
bargaining agreements and luxury taxes; you just know about salary caps
and collective bargaining agreements (and maybe a little about luxury
If less is more, how much is the same amount?
* ‘Until All Are Free, None Are Free’ – An Analysis Using Formal Logic
The famous quote "Until all are free, none are free" suggests a challenging, even unpleasant situation. Unless, that is, one analyzes this statement using principles of logical argument. First, we can express the
sentence "Until all are free, none are free" in the form of a logical
proposition: "If it is not the case that all people are free,
then it is the case that no people are free." Applying the
contrapositive of
this statement, we have: "If it is not the case
that no people are free, then it is not not
the case that all people are free." An unwieldy sentence to
be sure. But utilizing the rule of double
negation, this statement becomes: "If at
least one person is free, then all people are free." Clearly a happier, more optimistic
interpretation! The exercise above is just one example of how
formal logic, when properly applied, can serve to clarify problems and
help suggest solutions. The reader is invited to use formal logic to
analyze other famous statements – for instance the following:
If you're not not
part of the solution, you're not not not part of the problem.
Actually, I'm OK with less
than extreme prejudice, as long as you terminate.
Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the
whole world will be dusty.
was the usual dog and
pony show: the ponies riding the dogs.
– After briefing the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Before we get into a pissing contest here, is the prize for height,
quantity, or force per square
An aphorism and its author aren't joined by a dash, but separated by it.
When the commercial says "Ask your
doctor if you're healthy enough for sexual activity," do they mean every
a headline on the CIA website: “The CIA World Factbook Is Changing.”
Jokingly imagined dictators
around the globe reading these words and trembling in fear.
Getting more serious,
proceeded to read the description of the coming changes: new fonts,
enhanced graphics, and a more streamlined presentation.
Realized those dictators
should probably flee their countries immediately.
If character is what you do when no one’s watching, then since it’s
never the case that no one’s watching, you therefore have no character.
Infallibility is something you more or less fall into.
If a statement begs a
question, don't give it one. It's only going to use the question
to get alcohol or drugs.
Sometimes you have to extend
a membrane process for what you believe in, even if it means extending
that membrane process alone. –
Motivational Quotes for Amoeboids
Can't we f*ck about something more pleasant?
The ultimate false flag operation is the flag.
A talk with a child is
cheaper than therapy – although if that's your reason for talking to
children, you should probably still get the therapy.
I don't know what "passing
muster" is, but it certainly doesn't sound like appropriate behavior for
a government workplace.
The cleared renew their clearances every five years or so. The uncleared
renew their clearances every day.
You'll never know how high you can soar until you
climb inside the cannon.
You had me at
When Jesus told us to love one another, He never said we had to like it.
Come to think of it, when
it a good idea to go limp and play dead?
Life begins at deception.
Secret 52810131.
Every narrow flat platform used by fashion
models to demonstrate clothing, accessories and/or narrow flat
platforms, is an intelligence briefing.
Secret 2.3.8.
Eternity merely postpones the inevitable.
"Intelligence" is a contradiction in term.
I’m not digressing – this
briefing is about everything.
an opposite universe, first people state what it is they're demanding an
apology for, and then that thing gets done to them.
– Why We Couldn't Possibly Be Living in an
Opposite Universe, Reason 379155722
My wife told me "I need you
desert needs the rain: once, maybe twice a
year, for no more than twenty minutes."
In the highly unlikely event he survived the
drastic changes in the ratio of his volume to his surface area, by
approximately the 8th week of his ordeal the Incredible
Shrinking Man, having become smaller than an oxygen molecule, would
certainly have died of asphyxiation.
In America we believe in
second chances. We’ll chase after you and kick your ass again.
It was 2:30 in the
afternoon, under a cloudless summer sky, when I felt the pulsating
thump of the approaching choppers. Instinctively I looked up,
knowing even as I did so that it would be useless. They always
came in the daytime, when they knew you couldn't see them. Would
we ever learn the identity and purpose of the super secret government
agency behind the azure helicopters?
My word is my blonde.
Research shows that sex results in health benefits, provided you sleep
with someone who has the right coverage plan.
The word "fear" isn't in my
vocabulary. It was too scary so I took it out.
Nothing is more vital to our nation's security than timely, accurate
intelligence. But don't tell nothing that, or it'll get a swelled head.
Forget wikiHow, I need wikiWhy.
She offered fierce resistance, but I politely declined.
– Ops report
Selected List of US Intelligence Classifications
(FOUO) For Official Use
(C) Confidential
(S) Secret
(TS) Top Secret
(SBU) Sensitive But
(SBVU) Sensitive But Very
(UBT) Unclassified But
(ILBBNP) Into Light Bondage
But No Pain
(P) Into Pain
(WNINTEL) Warning Notice –
Intelligence Sources & Methods Involved
(WNNISOMIW) Warning Notice
– No Intelligent Sources Or Methods Involved Whatsoever
(WNDNBFL) Warning Notice –
Do Not Brief Following Lunch
(NOFORN) Not Releasable To
Foreign Nationals
(NOPORN) Not Pornography
(See FOUO)
(TS-SCI) Top Secret – Sensitive Compartmented Information
(TS-ICI) Top Secret –
Insensitive Compartmented Information
Secret – You Call That A Sensitive Compartment??? I’ve Seen More
Sensitive Compartments At State Department!
(TS-MCETC) Top Secret – Mi
Compartment Es Tu Compartment
(TS-FELO) Top Secret – For
Executive Leaking Only
(W) Whatever
The cleared get clearder, and the uncleared get unclearder.
All sex is farewell sex.
Think twice before you tell a lie. It'll help you get your story
Every congressional inquiry
into a catwalk of spies is a catwalk of spies.
The fact that cleanliness
is next to godliness doesn't mean cleanliness is willing to shake hands.
You never hear the phrase "Get a life" anymore.
I guess everyone got a life.
A big-budget intelligence
program isn’t cloaked in secrecy, it’s microkinied.
The alien that explodes from our chest cavity is us.
Actually, if you
don't stand
for something, you can't fall for anything.
You’d think the lyrics to a
song called "Ramblin' Man" would be longer than 13 lines.
The fact that you've found 10,000 ways that won't work doesn't mean
you've failed – especially if it's a time and materials contract.
To sell one's soul may be madness, but not to find
out how much one could get for it is just plain dumb.
What you can't rise above, you may yet seep under.
Secret 938187.
The early parasite gets everybody.
After silence, that which comes closest to expressing the inexpressible
is coughing.
Secret 0.761. To be prepared for it is already the worst.
Classics of Modern Philosophy Repackaged
It can be proven mathematically that the central proposition underlying
any philosophical paradigm has a corresponding romance novel cover.
... And yes, I'm working on
the romance novel cover for this proof even as we (passionately and
breathlessly) speak.
Reality is the biggest
redaction mark of all.
Actions stutter louder than words.
Don't cry because it's over, smile because you secretly videotaped it.
In an opposite universe, the punches roll with
you. – Why We Couldn't Possibly Be Living in an Opposite Universe, Reason
Freedom isn't free.
She wants at least a hundred bucks and
some Ecstasy.
80% of the 80-20 rule is 20% of it.
I've finally realized I don't need to try to be someone I'm not.
I'm someone I'm not already.
I don’t care what it says,
I’m just happy knowing there’s an old saying.
Beauty shot
1. (Modeling) A clean headshot of a runway
model with minimal emphasis on jewelry and hairstyle.
2. (Intelligence) A clean headshot of a
runway model with minimal blood spatter.
'Tis not the tempest we
dread, but the water damage.
To copy: is this not already to paste?
It’s not necessarily wrong to hold a grudge, as long as you refrain from
heavy petting.
Familiarity breeds contempt?
Gee, I never heard that
idea before.
We are no longer slaves to history. History is
now our CEO.
That there’s a time and
a place for everything in no way implies the two intersect.
I said I have a can-do
attitude. I didn't say I have a do
I tried following my bliss,
but it employed countersurveillance and got away.
It's only a secret if someone knows it. It's only unclassified if
no one does.
The longer the limo, the shorter the ride.
Secret 45810161.
We're all on our deathbed, but some of us
are jumping up and down on the mattress.
No hurry – take all the
time you have.
... But I egress.
Time is a brush pass between a moment and
And the secret exchanged in that most
covert of handoffs is … us.
Oh the HUMINTity!
* When you walk your last runway, and you turn in
your voucher, you'll learn for whom you were really modeling.
Whenever God opens one secure vault, He
automatically closes and locks all the others.
It's becoming increasingly
clear that my plans don't include me.
I have peace within. I killed, skinned and ate it.
To view
death as the end of life is like seeing the
horizon as the end of the ocean – the ocean ends
way before that.
Where's that guy who said
“The absent are always in the wrong?”
You can't handle the truth – that's
my asset.
Go limper, play deader.
Peace beat upon you.
The Covert Comic. If you’re gonna cattalk the cattalk, you better catwalk the catwalk.